
A CRM (R)Evolution is here

Yet another CRM. Wow, exciting. 
Yes, we know. Software tends to be boring sometimes. From alllll the CRMs in the market, how are we different, you ask? 
In one word, we are “uncomplicated.” We make boring, beautiful. 

Just the basics, executed with simple sophistication.

Yet another CRM. Wow, exciting. 
Yes, we know. Software tends to be boring sometimes. 
From alllll the CRMs in the market, how are we different, you ask? 
In one word, we are “uncomplicated.” We make boring, beautiful. 

Just the basics, executed with simple sophistication.

Do you really need Zuki?

Built With Empathy

Our belief is that no business is too small to benefit from the power of technology. Technology must be accessible to all, not just large corporations.

Zuki was developed with a philosophy to “humanize software.” A people-first approach led us to a CRM that is simple, clean, intuitive, and, most importantly, human.

We understand you. Zukify your business.

What Makes

Zuki CRM Different?


Made with Empathy

We’ve designed Zuki to have a clean interface with a simple, one-screen dashboard that offers detailed insights and Excel-like reports. The language used is extremely easy to understand.


Uncomplicated Pricing

We believe that everyone should have equal access to all features. And so, we created a simple, transparent two-plan pricing system, designed especially for SMBs.


No Cost for Assistance

With Zuki, help is just a phone call or email away. Assistance is completely free, with no hidden costs.


Super Short Learning Curve

You don’t need to be a tech wizard to understand Zuki. Get your team up and running real quick, and help them become overnight sales superstars!


Features that Fit

There are no complex features. We offer you just the basics that you absolutely need. Nothing more or less.


The A-Z of Data on a Single Screen

Get the focused information you want, just when you need it, with our one-screen activity and lead management.


No Cap on Records

There is absolutely no limit on the number of records that you can store. What you see is really what you get, with no hidden pricing.


Proudly Indian

We get your language and that of your team. Our product is easy to understand, with no technical jargon.


Made with

We’ve designed Zuki to have a clean interface with a simple, one-screen dashboard that offers detailed insights and Excel-like reports. The language used is extremely easy to understand.


Uncomplicated Pricing

We believe that everyone should have equal access to all features. And so, we created a simple, transparent two-plan pricing system, designed especially for SMBs.


No Cost for Assistance

With Zuki, help is just a phone call or email away. Assistance is completely free, with no hidden costs.


Features that

There are no complex features. We offer you just the basics that you absolutely need. Nothing more or less.


Super Short Learning Curve

You don’t need to be a tech wizard to understand Zuki. Get your team up and running real quick, and help them become overnight sales superstars!


The A-Z of Data on a Single Screen

Get the focused information you want, just when you need it, with our one-screen activity and lead management.


No Cap on Records

There is absolutely no limit on the number of records that you can store. What you see is really what you get, with no hidden pricing.


Proudly Indian

We get your language and that of your team. Our product is easy to understand, with no technical jargon.

Why do we call ourselves Zuki?

Zuki (root: “essence” in Japanese)
is a combination of Shinzui (essential) and Iki (purity).

“Letting go of the unessential in order to arrive at the pure essence”

And it is this very essence that drove us to build Zuki, an extremely user-friendly and simple CRM.

 With Zuki, anybody can CRM. 

Sales Tales

Transform your sales pipeline with Zuki. Request a Demo!

Transform your sales pipeline with Zuki. Request a Demo!

Do you really need Zuki?

Even a single reason is worth making the switch to Zuki